Wednesday, November 23, 2011


for my mom.  Even though she moved away and I miss her so much she is still there for me.  She is seriously one of my best friends.

for my dad because he helped me pay my rent for a couple months while I was looking for a job.  And he is currently paying my cell phone and car insurance because I barley make enough money to pay rent and utilities.

for my grandparents because they would let me live with them if I needed to.

for the rest of my family.  I love them even though they sure can be crazy sometimes.

for my roommates because they are like a second family.

for my job.  I love spending time with the kids no matter how crazy they can be.  Hearing 4 year olds you have only known for 3 months tell you they love you melts your heart every time.  And the random hugs they give you.

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