Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bucket List

As I was looking at other peoples bucket lists to get ideas for my own I realized  (and kind of already knew) how lucky I am to have experienced some of the things I have experienced.  Things as basic a sleeping under the stars.  Or the not so simple like climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge or snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.  Anyways here is my bucket list:

  1. Visit Ireland.
  2. See a Cirque du Soleil show.
  3. Travel to all 50 states.  13 so far.
  4. Go to Greece.
  5. Get married.
  6. Have children.  3 is the number that seems to be stuck in my head.
  7. Take more pictures.  And get better at it.
  8. Go back to Australia.
  9. Go to the Olympics.  Summer and Winter.
  10. Take my children to Disney World.
  11. Be in the audience of Oprah.  I know her show is over but I think there will still be other opportunities.
  12. Pay off my student loans.
  13. Get a penpal.  Using actual mail.
Thats all for now.  I'm sure I will add more.  I definitely think this is something that is always evolving.

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