Today is my baby's birthday. Max is 5 today. I love the munchkin to pieces.
He was my 16th birthday present. Why a dog and not a car? I wasn't really interested in driving yet so why by a car that wasn't going to be used? Yes I had my license. In fact I had taken drivers ed nearly 2 years earlier the summer after my freshman year of high school. But that's really a whole different story.
I knew I wanted a dog instead. A small dog. We started out by looking at the humane society. There was one dog there a terrier mix. She had the coloring of a yorkie but she was bigger. I decided that she was the dog I wanted. Since we had another dog at home we had to bring her into the humane society to make sure the dogs got along.
When we got to the humane society Nikki was so excited by all the other dogs she barked a lot. The other dog, poor baby, was terrified of Nikki's barking. We tried bringing them outside so Nikki would calm down and that didn't work. So we couldn't get the dog from the humane society. So much for trying to do the right thing.
My mom knew that one of her customers at the bank bred yorkies so that was our next stop. Both of her females gave birth to their litters on the same day, May 14th. It was mothers day that year. We originally went thinking we were going to get the runt of one of the litters for cheaper. It turned out that she (or he I don't remember) was going to be more expensive. The way we ended up with Max is because the boys were slightly cheaper. We brought him home 8 or so weeks later.
He gets along fine with Nikki and with the 2 cats we also had. I think that Nikki and the humane society dog would have gotten along just fine but I wouldn't give Max back either so I think everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Even though hes a dog I can't imagine not having him. Even though he drives me absolutely crazy sometimes I really do love the little bugger.
I mean how can anyone resist this face? I sure can't.