Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boo, Cancer

Cancer sucks.  This has been on my mind for a few days now.  A couple weeks ago one of my classmates announced on Facebook that he has cancer.  We graduated in 2008.  We are only 21.  Its just too young.  My mom was asking me about his prognosis and it got me thinking.

In our high school the last three graduating classes (09, 10 and 11) have all lost somebody.  Our high school is only just over 500 students.  It just shouldn't be like that.

Back to my classmate.  I'm not sure what his prognosis is.  He may have mentioned it and he may not have.  He started chemo yesterday.  From everything he is posting on Facebook he seems in really good spirits.  He has always been such a joker though so its hard to tell if maybe he is just putting on a good face for all of us.  I sure hope he really is in good spirits.

We need to pray for him.  He is just a happy person it sucks to think about what could happen.

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