Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I have a job!!

I know I kind of disappeared for awhile but I am back now.  When I left you I thought I was going to be going on vacation.  First with my dad to New Mexico and then with my mom to Lower Michigan.  I had an interview about a week before I was supposed to leave and they would let me know in one or two weeks.  Since I didn't know what was going to happen I was still planning on going on vacation.

Well I got a call only a few days later that I was hired!!! Yay!  Except I haven't seen my parents in a while so I was kind of disappointed I couldn't go on vacation.  My job is at a daycare which is what I wanted.  I started only a couple days after I got the call.  I think I have been there for three weeks now and I am mostly loving it.  I work afternoons in the 4 year old room.

Last week we had somebody spill their drink at snack 4 out of 5 days.  And twice on Friday!!!  These kids are crazy.  So far we haven't had any spills this week.  Knock on wood.

Since I am only working part time I am probably going to need to get another part time job.  I would love another job where I don't work weekends but I don't know if that is possible.  We will see.

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