Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So Unfortunate...

Last Saturday, May 14 two boys from my high school were killed in a car accident.  Just 6 days after graduating from high school.  They were both just 18 years old.  I am not sure of the circumstances surrounding the accident.  What I know is that one of the boys didn't grow up here, he was a recent transplant from another part of the state.  Him and the other boy were back to his hometown.  I am thinking they were going to the graduation parties of some of his friends.  While crossing an intersection of two highways they were hit.  Neither were wearing seatbelts.  One boys funeral was yesterday and the others was today.

Because they were only freshman when I was a senior I didn't know them.  Well, I guess I didn't know the one boy who was living here at the time.  The boy who was here while I was still in school was in my art class for 1 semester.  I am not even sure which semester it was.

These are the third and fourth teen deaths our town has had to deal with in the last 18 months.  The first was a suicide in November 2009.  I was away at school when this one occurred but because of Facebook I knew how much everyone was affected.  The second, also a suicide, happened in February 2010.  I was still away at school for this one but he was a classmate of my brothers.  I had a summer job with this boy.  This one hit me a little harder.

On Saturday night I was out to the movies with some friends.  When we got out of the movie the girl had texts from some of her friends saying they were there for her.  She didn't know what they were even talking about. It didn't take her long to figure it out.  She was really close with at least one of the boys.  I wished that I could have done something to comfort her.  All I could do was say I was sorry.

All four of these boys were so loved.  And now everyone has to mourn yet another loss.  I just hope that  we don't have to go through this again for a long time.

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