Sunday, July 31, 2011


So the song challenge was pretty much a fail.  Only two days.  I honestly thought I would do better than that.  No, I didn't think I would last the full thirty days but I thought I would last longer than two.  I'm not going to try and finish it or catch up.  The reason I only lasted two days was because I could NOT for the life of me think of songs to use.

In other news it looks like I will be doing some traveling in the next couple weeks.  First I will be spending about a week visiting with my dad's mom in New Mexico.  After a few days of recuperation I am off to see my mom at her fiance's brother's lake house in Lower Michigan.  Hopefully I remember to take lots of pictures.  Last time we were in NM our hotel room had an awesome view of the mountains and we saw Lady Gaga's tour bus.

I also had a job interview the other day but they won't know for a week or two.  It is at a daycare and they are waiting to see if their enrollment is going to pick up for the fall and if they will need more staff or not.  So I could be out of town when they hopefully call me back.  I'm only kind of holding my breath though because way back in the beginning of June I filled out an app. and interviewed at a daycare the same day.  I got the feeling that they were going to hire me.  Then I never heard from them.  I called them a few weeks later and they said they still had my app. but they wouldn't know until the beginning of July because they were moving kids around but they would let me know.  And now its the last day of July and I still haven't heard from them. Right now I'm just waiting to see how this new possibility plays out.  We will see.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

This one was not so hard to come up with.  It truly irritates me.  Most every song by these guys irritates me to tell you the truth.  I hate when I catch myself singing along.  The song is....

All I Want To Do by Sugarland

What is your least favorite song?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 1

I noticed some of my friends on Facebook doing the 30 Day Song Challenge and I thought it would be fun to do on here.  So, you know, I should be doing 1 post everyday for the next 30 days (at least in theory.)  We will see how it goes.  Check out the rules on Facebook.

Day 1 is your favorite song.  I had a really hard time coming up with one for this because I don't have just one favorite.  Since country music is my favorite genre I am going to choose This Is Country Music by Brad Paisley. The song just talks about everything I love about country music.

So what is your favorite song?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lady Gaga in the House!

I actually don't like her music, I'm more of a country girl, but I thought it was still a good blog post.  Lady Gaga is in Nebraska and its not her first visit.  She had a concert at the Qwest Center in March and she was also here sometime over the 2010 holidays.

When she was here over the holidays she was with her boyfriends visiting his family.  He is from Springfield.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details because it was six months ago but, I think other than visiting his family she was also spotted in the Old Market and some other places around the Metro.  Don't quote me though because I don't remember and I really don't feel like looking it up at the moment.  Ok, I just looked up an article on it does confirm.

This time she is back in Springfield  reportedly shooting a video.  Well I guess it is not really Springfield so much as rural Sarpy County.  Platteview High School has apparently opened up to feed the crew and provide some ac.  You know because its been like 100 degrees for the last week.  And they were reportedly shooting outside and in a barn.  If you don't know barns can often be hotter than outside because they get about zero circulation.

So I guess if we see a Lady Gaga video with cornfields and a barn we will know she shot it in Nebraska.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quote of the Week

In an effort to blog more often I have decided to start doing a quote of the week.

I came across this quote when my best friends dad read it to us from the book he was reading and then asked us who we thought said it.  I sure didn't have a clue.  I really like this quote, I think it is something that everyone should live by.  Most especially bloggers and most other people who take the heat from people for the things they say and do. So here is the quote:

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."  -Dr. Seuss

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I had a busy weekend this past weekend.  My mom flew in from Michigan.  Yea! I missed her so much.

On Saturday we cleaned the house to make it presentable.  My mom hadn't seen it yet and it was pretty messy.  Dishes in the sink, stuff piled on the table and my room had clothes everywhere.  If they had hit the road at noon like they said they were going to I don't think we would have gotten everything done.

When my mom finally got here I showed her the house and then we just hung out for a while.  Too long of a while in my opinion because by the time we got to the movie theater the showing of Harry Potter we were hopping to see was sold out.  The next showing was in 3D.  I am not a huge fan of 3D.  Its too much work for my brain, especially in the heat we have been dealing with.  The movie was good though.  A lot of things I didn't remember from the book but, that is to be expected when you haven't read the book since it came out.

After the movie we headed back to Plattsmouth for the night.  First order of business was a trip to Bellevue for Chinese food.  Yum!  I haven't had Chinese since we first moved in and it was awful.  Back to my grandparents after that and then back to my moms to pack up some pictures for my grandparents to bring to her when they go visit.

Up way to early on Sunday.  My grandparents don't know how to be quiet.  I probably could have slept longer but Max woke me up because he had to go see them.  Grandma made omelets for breakfast, they were delicious.  Church after that.  Everyone was happy to see all of us.  Then back to the grandparents after that for family time.  Too soon it came time for me to take my mom to the airport.  I miss her so much already.

Back home after taking my mom to the airport.  My roommate had friends over for a barbecue.  We played an exciting game of phase 10 twist.  The game was taking to long though so we started skipping the twists and repeat phases.  After they left we watched Cyberbully.  My thoughts on that are a whole separate post though.  Amsale Girls after that and then it was off too bed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter: The Ending of an Era

Yes.  I am a Harry Potter fan.  A huge fan in fact.  Not to the point of dressing up and going to the midnight showing, but still a big fan.

I was only seven when the first book came out.  Too young probably to read it.  That didn't really matter though because the book didn't even cross my radar at that point.  I think I became aware of the books sometime during the third grade ('97-'98) but still wasn't interested.  Then in the fourth grade my teacher read the books out loud to us.  I became hooked.  I got my whole family hooked.  Only the first 2 books were out at that point.

The books had become so popular that we read them every year in school for a couple of years.  I think the first book we pre ordered so we had it right away was "The Goblet of Fire."  As the books came out the Harry, Ron and Hermione were a couple of years older than me.

In the movies though the characters started out at the same age I was.  So in the sense of the movies I grew up right along with the characters.  Obviously I'm not 17 now like the characters are but as long as there has been another movie to wait on I have clung to a part of my childhood.  Now that this last movie is out and I'm sure that after I watch it tomorrow that last little part of my childhood is over.

I'm a little sad that it is all over.  When the last book came out I wasn't nearly as sad because I still had the movies to look forward too.  The only think to look forward to know is Potter More.  The new site JK Rowling has created to give us more insight into the wizarding world.  As far as I can tell there won't be any knew stories with the next generation of Potter's/Weasley's/Granger's.  So this new chapter coming up doesn't feel the same as waiting for a new book or movie.

My point is that it is hitting me that the Harry Potter era is coming to an end and with it the last little piece of my childhood is going away.

Monday, July 11, 2011

O. M. G. The. Heat.

My grandma's twin brother was in town this weekend with his wife, son, and son's girlfriend.  Ok, not in my town but in my hometown.  So of course I went home for the family barbecue.  The high today was 93.  With 77% humidity and a 110 heat index.  The drive home is about an hour.  I don't have air conditioning in my car.  Have I mentioned that before?

My brain is so fried right now that I have already forgotten what this post was about.  Oh yes, the heat.  The drive with no AC wasn't so bad because I got a breeze from having the windows down.  And even though the kids were in and out of my grandparents house that wasn't so bad either.  It was later when we went over to Iowa to fill up my gas tank.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

Even though I was back last weekend for the 4th the only trip we made into town was to get fireworks (my roomies parents live south of town and in the country) so I hadn't seen the flooding yet.  When we crossed the Platte River I noticed that you could see the moisture in the air.  It wasn't foggy necessarily but there was definitely moisture in the air.  And yes, I live in Nebraska it is humid all the time but this was a new one for me.  The dew point was 82.  Crazy Business, I tell ya.

And the flooding, the water is actually starting to go down.  but it is still crazy.  Even though I knew they were there it was weird to see the sandbags along the highway.  And there were pumps everywhere to attempt to keep the water under control.

I feel like this post is all over the place and I didn't really update on the flooding. And I forgot my camera so I couldn't take any pictures.  Boo.  But yeah, it was really hot and EXTREMELY humid and my poor poor Max.  I had to give him a cold water bath when we got home because he was so hot.  Ok guys, random post over.  Sorry about all the ands in this last paragraph.  My brain is seriously mush right now.