Tuesday, April 12, 2011


When the weather starts to get warmer everyone seems to get super excited!  I sure am glad winter is FINALLY over.  You would think driving would improve with no snow on the ground but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.

Other things start to cause problems.  Like the rising sun during the morning commute.  It really likes to mess my drive up.  Last week on a particularly bright morning there were tons of accidents.  Traffic was horrible.  The highway was backed up for miles.  Traffic wasn't slowed it was stopped.  The alternate route was becoming congested and slow.  Thank God for GPS on phones because otherwise we would have been late for school.  I wouldn't have known to go the way the GPS brought us.  The path I would have taken would have been extra long and probably involved a fair amount of backtracking.

Then again this morning traffic was horrible.  It seriously took me 30minutes to drive 3 miles.  3 miles in THIRTY   minutes.  It normally takes three.  No there was no accident.  Just road work that is going to last until June.  One lane of high was for 3 months.  I'm hoping that as people get used to this one lane instead of two things will pick back up.

Today it caused us to be late to school.  Luckily we weren't the only ones who had a tough drive in.  Apparently nearly half the class did.  But still it is hard for me to deal with not moving. On. The. Highway.  I have no patience and a slight speeding problem.

I should add that I am not used to driving in traffic so I haven't built a tolerance to it.  My morning commute used to take about 7 or 8 minutes!  Now getting to work takes about 2 minutes!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Finally Feeling Like Spring!

This past week the weather has been pretty great. Blue skies and sunshine! I am really liking this!

The other thing that comes with spring in the mid west though is severe weather.  So far we haven't had much rain or severe weather but it is unavoidable.  The skies change, the air cools and it even smells different. You can feel the rain coming.  And seriously as I am typing this I just heard thunder.  Or maybe it was just a loud car outside. It could be either.

Back to the weather.  It changes quickly and it can get pretty scary.

This storm came in very quickly.  We were out shopping and on the way to the stores the thermometer in the car said it was 100.  Then it cooled way down and started pouring rain.  The wind was also very strong.
This is the sunset after the storm.  Pretty spectacular.

Last spring/summer we got lots and lots of rain.  Which caused flooding like I have never seen before.

You can usually see sandbars in this river!  It was so high that peoples basements were flooded.  Some people even lost access to the road so they had to use a boat to get to the road.

I have lived in this same area of Nebraska for 16 years in July and I don't ever remember flooding like this.  Maybe some higher than normal water levels but never flooding.

Right now while the weather is nice, before it gets unbearable, I am going to enjoy it. And be grateful that it is not so hot that I can still drive with my windows down since my air conditioning doesn't seem to be working.